#weeklyreview 06/23


This week got a bit messed up as I didn’t made it into the office. So I missed my rowing sessions in the gym. Also missed the running with a friend on Monday as it was rather icy and slippery outside. But towards the end of the week I got my cadaver out two days in a row for running in the park at least. First day I really felt the rust. Second day, although there wasn’t any rest day in between was much better.

On Sunday we were swimming in the lake and had to toss off some ice. The lake was almost covered with a thin layer, but fortunately near the beach it was open.

Betraying Capitalism

Our oven broke the second time now in about 8 years. Every 4 years the lower heater seem to burn out. Last time I had it repaired for about 180 EUR. This time, with some hints from the Fediverse I managed to swap out the heat pipe myself. So the whole repair was only 20 EUR. Hope it lasts the next 4 years at least.

Disclaimer: This is seriously dangerous stuff if you don’t know what you’re doing. The kitchen ovens usually have their own dedicate power circuit and fuses because they draw so much power. This is current that can and will kill you if you make mistakes. So please don’t try this at home unless you’re qualified.

Bleeding Edge

Since the Pinafore Web-Based Mastodon client is discontinued, everyone seems to gravitate towards Elk as a replace. The elk team is building a rather beautiful web client for the fediverse. It can be tried out on their own instance at https://elk.zone/ or one can host it herself.

I tried the latter and built the Docker container to run the service. There are some caveats to that. The documentation is still rather sparse and doesn’t mention that the service must be accessed via HTTPS and also need a proper domain name. But thanks to Boerge I moved past that hurdle and got it somehow working. Of course not after some more struggle with file permissions in the Docker container. I submitted a Pull Request to the Elk team to fix the documentation and docker-compose.yml. Let’s see when this makes it into the main branch.

#weeklyreview 05/23

phew, this week was … slightly turbulent at the beginning.

  • f**ed up the hotel booking for the baltic sea and basically booked two hotels. Fortunately at different times. So we changed plans quickly and went earlier to Binz to not let those booked rooms expire while we had already payed them.
  • renovated the kids room and gave one wall a nice green color. Kid is happy
  • Baltic Sea at Binz was good. I like all wheather and we almost had all sorts of weather. Mostly stormy and cold. Sometimes rainy and icy. But also patches of Sun and an awesome sunrise on the last day
  • Spend a lot of time reading in and out the sauna (my kindle is sauna proven)
  • Finished the last book of the Trisolaris series: Death’s End
  • Started a new book: “Die Illusion der Vernunft
  • Against my habits I was not swimming in the baltic sea. While I don’t mind the temperature I would need to be able to swim before I get cold. Since the beach is very shallow, I’d have to walk about 50 m into the sea before I could swim. Thats too much for me.
  • I did however went swimming on Sunday again back in our little village lake. We had to break the ice to get into the patch of free water. Water had about 1ºC.

#weeklyreview 04/23

Trying to be a little more consistent with the language this time.

Why English anyway? Multiple reasons.

  • most of my friends understand english. quite many are not german speaking at all.
  • I’m using an english keyboard for almost all my devices due to to work reasons. Writing german on an english keyboard is a little cumbersome


After Twitter has cut off several 3rd party apps the folks over at Tapbots have finally released their Mastodon Client app named “Ivory“. It has been excitedly awaited since their “Tweetbot” app was one of the best apps for Twitter when Twitter was still a thing. So I’ve installed Ivory as well and do like it. It has the potential to take the crown from “toot!” for me. I actually don’t like the candy design. But the rest feels promising.

Meeting people

On tuesday I met my previous boss for the last time as a colleague. She’s moving on, leaving the company after several years. She was the one dragging me from System Engineering to the Product Management side. But more importantly she was a voice of reason the in the crazy circus that we used to call “leadership team”. I will miss her as my boss and as a colleague. Fortunately her new position isn’t too far away from our office.

On thursday I managed to visit @moellus in his natural habitat – his kitchen. That was long overdue. Thanks for the coffee!


Unfortunately I didn’t reach my goal of 2x running and 2x rowing this week. Schedule was a bit messed up due to a doctors appointment and us leaving Berlin early for the weekend.

No Swimming this week as there was ice on the lake. It’s only about 0,5cm thick. But too much hassle for me to get it off for swimming. I’m not an ice dipper (you only dip your body for a few seconds into the cold water. Maybe repeatedly) but a swimmer. I have to go in a swim away for as long as the body seems to work. Concentrating on the swimming and monitoring the muscles whether there are signs of them getting stiff or weak distracts me from the cold and allows me to stay in the water for several minutes. This is not possible when there is ice.

I tried to break very thin ice while swimming. While it seems possible physically, the ice shards are very sharp. Since I’m swimming just with my swim trunks I had cut my arms, legs and back on these sharp ice shards. One doesn’t feel the cuts in the ice cold water actually. But when you get out it looks like you’ve been tortured …


Here are a few booksmarks I saved throughout the week:


I’m at about 1/4 done with the “Death’ End“. Still manage to read every night and sometimes even a few minutes during the day.

To encourage more reading in the family, we established our own private book club. We want to meet every two weeks and talk about the books/material we’ve read. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a book, but can also be a poem or some longer paper etc. The emphasis is on active and conscious reading and reflection on the material and reading itself. This sunday we had the first session and I think it was a good kick-off. The kids shared the books they were reading and what they liked about the books. Of course it was unusual at first to have a “formal meeting” about that. But I think we’re on to something here and look forward to the next session in two weeks.


Boerge was asking in his weekly review about To-Do-List apps. I have to admit those didn’t really work for me so far. I like the concept and read quite a lot about various systems and apps. Of course it all started with “Getting Things Done” from David Allen. I’ve got OmniFocus on my devices and be using this occasionally.

In addition I’m using a view shared lists in Apples reminders app for things like groceries and remembering what to take/bring out to our house.


Again a week without 3D-Printing. Just didn’t had the time nor a concrete model that I wanted to print. Still very much in love with “The great wave off kanagawa

#weeklyreview 03/23


  • when adding new entries to .env for a docker-compose.yml .. make sure you put them also into the environment: section of your service to actually make use of them. Was searching for quite some time why my Minio didn’t properly made use of Prometheus …
  • Set up a playground for Homeassistent and ESPhome. Nice thing about ESPhome is, that it’s got readymade firmware for many microcontroller boards and one can just flash them via the Browser.
  • Mattermost has finally release their Mobile app in Version 2.x. Most notable feature is the support for multiple Mattermost servers. This is very important as the self-hosted Slack-alternative grew rather popular the last years and the likelihood that you have to use multiple is increasing.
  • tried out the new 7.51 firmware from the FritzLab for my ancient Fritz!Box 7490. Seems to have wifi issues with my setup. So I switched back after about 1 day


  • on track with running 2x per week
  • trying to get more rowing done if time permits
  • swimming in the lake at 1.5ºC water temp on Sunday


  • visited the Museum Barberini in Postdam. Nice collection of famous impressionist pictures
  • stunning that most of the pictures didn’t even had protective glas. You could really see all the great details of the pictures. There were watch guards in every room though.
  • we used the VIP treatment and were able to get right into museum with the car.
  • on thursday I had to pick up my daughter somewhere in Neukölln. The usual route was blocked due to some blockage on the Ringbahn so I had to travel the U1 and U8 route in Neukölln. Quite a different world from Friedrichshain. There are so many small shops of different purposes. I wonder how they thrive at this size in this economy.

Product Management

  • one very important question for product managers to decide the priority of a certain feature is: “Whats the business value of this feature?”
  • It can be further specified with questions like “How exactly does this make our product better?”, “Which problem does it solve?”
  • If you don’t have a very clear answer to these questions, then you’ll have a problem with the delivery of that feature.



  • finally some snow. at least for one day

#weeklyreview 02/23

nerd stuff

On monday my Mastodon server acted up. I noticed that images were not properly loading but only displaying a blurry preview. But not all of them, just some. I suspected issues with the Object Storage Provider IONOS that I had recently configured.

After some digging I found out that my host couldn’t resolve DNS names anymore. Somehow the resolver died. So I rebooted the whole machine … not remembering that I had unfinished business in /etc/fstab which shadow mounted my home directory causing new weird issues …

In the wake of blaming the external object storage provider I had started looking into open-source alternatives. Like open-source software to set up a self-hosted S3-compatible object store. Stumbled over minio.io and quickly did a test installation on one of my machines at home.

After fixing all the issue on my server and finishing the setup of minio, I was ready to test it on some real live services: my personal Pixelfed instance. Since I’m the only user on that one, I considered it a safe playground. After a few rounds of trail and error (Pixelfed documentation still gives me the shivers) I’ve got the configuration right and test postings worked as expected.

Ready for prime time

I had configured my Mastodon instance at https://hub.uckermark.social/ to use external object storage provider for media content. The reason is, that Mastodon caches all the media in posts it federates. This can grow to several gigabytes very quickly. The more users on remote instances you local users follow, the more content the Mastodon instance will cache.

I followed the article of Thomas Leister, admin of the Mastodon instance https://metalhead.club/ to configure the S3 compatible storage from IONOS. While that technically worked out, I wasn’t really happy with the IONOS administration interface. They currently do not show any metrics for the object storage nor the data transfer. That means, flying blind for using their service until the invoice arrives. They claimed to have a billing API where the data is supposedly available. I had a brief look at it and decided that I’m too lazy to go that route.

So when IONOS issued the warning, that my trial period will run out in a few days I have decided to switch also my Mastodon instance to my self-hosted object storage backed by Minio. I copied over the existing data from IONOS object storage using the Minio Command Client. That is really comfortable.

I’ve also hooked up my minio server to Prometheus and Grafana for insights into the usage

Screenshot of a Grafana Dashboard showing several metrics visualized as line charts. One pie chart is showing capacity.


To fight some of the kilos and the rust in general I’ll try to move more. Started that pledge with a run on Sunday. Wanted to start light with maybe 5 km to get back into it. Of course I overdid it with 10.99 km. Payed the price with sore muscles for 2 days.

While our weekly swim in the lake doesn’t count as much moving maybe, we still did it and I spent 3:12 min in the water. I’m heavily cursing at myself and the world when getting into the water. That part doesn’t get easier. But after 3 strokes of swimming thats forgotten and all that remains is the good feeling of beating oneself.

On Wednesday I finally sorted out my access to our office Gym and hit the rowing machine for 30 min and 7 km.

Friday another short round of running with 6.1 km.

For the coming week I found a partner to run hopefully more regular again here in Berlin at home. Lets see how that pans out.


Almost done with “The Dark Forest” by Cixin Liu. Memorable quote

The historical facts of the Middle Ages and the Great Ravine prove that a totalitarian system is the greatest barrier to human progress. Starship Earth requires vibrant new ideas and innovation, and this can only be accomplished through the establishment of a society that fully respects freedom and individuality.

The Dark Forest – Cixin Liu


In den vergangenen Wochen hatte ich mal Warp als Terminal getestet. Dafür gabs Einladungen und man musste sich da irgendwie für die Beta Anmelden. Anfangs sah das auch alles ganz schick aus, aber mir kam es schon gleich etwas komisch vor, dass da so ein Hype mit Einladung und künstlicher Verknappung gemacht wurde. Dann vielen mir einige Settings auf, die ich auch nicht mag. Z.B. das Warp als SSH-client eine eigene Implementierung nutzt, damit es im Output seine Blocks verwenden kann. Heißt für mich, das mein ganzer SSH-Traffic durch einen SSH-Client geht von einer Firma bei der noch nicht wirklich klar ist, welche Absichten sie hat.

Jedenfalls bin ich erst einmal wieder zurück zu iTerm2. Da weiß ich was ich hab 😉 Warp werde ich dennoch weiter aus dem Augenwinkel beobachten.


Jan Lehnardt apparently had too much spare time over the holidays. So he did what Janl does and created a search engine for ones own Mastodon timeline: Searchtodon

This is based on the free Elk browser interface for Mastodon

#weeklyreview 01/23

Ok, let’s do this. If @assbach can do it (again) and @b30 anyway, then I should be able too, right?


Of course we started the new year with swimming. Exactly as we closed the old year. Since it’s gotten really warm over new years even the 10cm thick ice that we were skating on shortly before christmas was completely gone.


First day in the office was a slight fail. Went there early to hit the gym just to learn our access has been temporarily removed. That threw a spinner in my sports plan (haha, plan… who am I kidding?). So I went to the kitchen to get me a coffee from the office coffee machine. Fortunately I sense the cheesy smell before taking the first sip. The milk apparently got stale over the holidays. And since I was in early, the housekeeping hadn’t renewed that yet. And because those coffee machines are precious, they are secured with a lock. So I couldn’t fix it myself.

3D Printing

This weeks prints:


Still reading “The Dark Forest” – the second part of the Trisolaris Trilogy from Cixin Liu. This is the third time I’m reading this trilogy and it’s still very captivating for me.

Also fixed some mail configuration issues in the BookWyrm instance. Now Google Mail users should be able to receive mails again.

Computer Science

Kiddo made it into the next round of the national contest for computer science for young adults. He’s pretty excited about it and already started working on the new assignment. First task almost done.

Unfortunately he’ll not be able choose computer science as major topic in school. Since not enough pupil choose that topic and they wont open a major course with just 5 kids.

In the previous round of the contest only 430 kids participated. I find this pretty concerning. Every freakin’ job in this country depends more or less on devices or services provided by computer science. But apparently nobody seems interested to understand it or its foundations. One of course can’t blame the kids as the schools don’t really encourage them…


some booksmarks I kept this week on Mastodon

Threads printer for Mastodon: https://thread.choomba.one/

Magic Beans

Now I understand why beans are often referred to as magically growing plants in old tales. We grow them in our little garden for the second year now. And it feels like the more I harvest, the more they grow.

package delivery in the modern world – you can’t make this up

We had our share of package delivery adventures lately. The highly optimized logistics companies like DHL might have reached their peak meanwhile. The peak where service quality actually starts decreasing due to the amount of optimization they put into it.

We live in the country side where post offices are sparse. We still order stuff and have it usually delivered to our doorstep. Delivery time is usually one or two days more than in metros like Berlin. But still its very convenient having stuff delivered instead of picking it up in the post office 25km away from you.

So this week the DHL delivery guy couldn’t be bothered to knock on our door to deliver two packages. He went strait to our neighbor to drop them off. But the neighbor refused to take them for whatever reason. So the delivery guy just left us the card can we can pick up the packages in a random pickup place in the next village. That’s but 25km from our place.

We called DHL and demanded a second delivery attempt. Since we don’t have our own car here, we’d have to pickup the parcel either by bike or means of public transport. Both options would take us almost the entire day.

The next day the delivery came to deliver another package to us. He felt really sorry. Even more so as he had the previous package that we were desperately waiting for actually on his car. But he was not allowed to hand it over as his tracking system would only allow that the next day. So he drove the package around for another day before he was able to deliver it to us. That’s what I call over optimized on DHL side.

Baltic Sea

I love simple things. I don’t necessarily need some fancy place for vacation. Ideally the vacation place has lots of nature and not so many people.

A good nearby compromise is the Baltic Sea on Rügen island. The island itself is pretty crowded and popular. But it also has some remote corners that are still rather simple and down to earth. One of those places is Thiessow in the east peninsula. We go there since many years. The beach is quite long so everyone gets their space. There are a few kiosks where you can buy ice cream, fries, pizza and most importantly Crêpe. What more do you need to relax?

Magic happens outside the comfort zone

This is sort of a response to my good friend Stephans blog post about his experience during his alternative national service (I’ll refer to it as common german word “Zivildienst” further on) . “Sort of” because it’s not really responding to what he wrote, but picking up the topic and my own experience to the story.

Stephans experience was apparently rather extreme. Although not totally uncommon I’d say. And to a certain extend it reminds me of my own service. But let’s start at the beginning.

To me it was clear that I would not go to the military. I actually quite liked the physical side of it. But I knew I’m absolutely not the person to take orders blindly and without questioning its sense. So I applied for alternative national service – a.k.a. Zivildienst. Fortunately in the mid 1990s that wasn’t really that uncommon and would be granted with a minimal piece of paper explaining some reasons.

The majority of the positions in Zivildienst were about working with people. Primarily elderly people in day care or home care setups. Or in hospitals. At least those were the positions I somehow was familiar with from friends and family.

Fresh out of school I wasn’t really into taking care of people to be honest. Taking care of basic needs, daily hygiene etc. didn’t sound compelling to me (to whom would it in your late teen years?). A widely accepted sloppy description of Zivildienst was to wipe old peoples bottoms. Not something you dream of spending a whole year with.

So I searched for less involving positions in the area I would live in (Hannover back at that time). I was thinking of something as janitor, carpenter assistent etc. Really anything but working with people if possible. Eventually I called the HR department of a hospital nearby to aks whether they have Zivildienst positions in their nursery or repairshop. The HR lady was really clever. Instead of answering straight away she asked what I plan to do after my Zivildienst. Without much hesitation I openly answered that I was indeed considering studying psychology. And so her trap snapped. She said that in this case she’s got the perfect position for me. They have a special station for lung cancer and looking to fill the zivildienst position in there. The job would be quite easy going as most of the patients are fit and don’t need care. It would be just making the beds and deliver the food. There would be plenty of time to talk to the people, take them for a walk etc. She made it sound like a walk in the park literally. The only remark she made was, whether I would mind if occasionally one of the patients might die. In the end it was still a cancer station.

What did I know about the world and cancer in particular back then? Pretty much nothing. So I accepted and thought this was a good deal.

Technically the HR lady was right. The majority of the approximately 50 patients we had were quite fit and didn’t any care at all. But there were always these one or two who would make up for that. These patients would need rather intesive care for various reasons. That means they required help during every activity. From washing to dressing to taking their meals and … getting rid of the products of their metabolism to use some less colourful words here. There were also a bunch of tasks that most people would find disgusting. Taking care of the disposal of all sort of body liquids and cleaning the respective equipment. And guess to whom such tasks would be assigned to? Or course the person lowest in the pecking order. That would be me – the Zivi (short for the person doing the alternative national service).

To my big surprise those tasks didn’t bother me at all. They were smelly and really dirty at times. But it turned out I have no sense for “disgusting”. To me it was just work. And even more surprising – I really enjoyed working with the patients. Especially the ones that needed intensive care. I would often spend almost my entire shift taking care of those. Some of them were physically impaired and needed help dressing and washing and getting to the toilet. Some where mentally impaired and also needed help for all sort of things.

I loved the direct feedback of my work. The patients where very thankful that someone would help them and treat them with some dignity. Someone whose face didn’t cringe when changing adult size diapers and cleaning bed pans. Being in the hospital itself is very difficult for the patients anyway. Being dependent on someone elses help to take care of basic human needs adds even more stress to that situation. When they felt that the job wasn’t a burden for me but sensed that I was truly happy to help them, it eased their situation at least a little bit.

To the patients which needed more intensive care I naturally developed a more intense relationship because we spent quite a lot of time together. I had one man who suffered from multiple sclerosis and couldn’t really use his legs and arms anymore. In addition he had an emphysema and the doctors decided to cut a window in his chest to let out the excess wound water. This poor guy couldn’t really do much on his own and I had to spent almost my entire shift taking care of him. I’d bring him to the toilet, wipe his butt, take a shower with him and take care of his wound. Through that window in his chest we could see his heart beating. One day we took a torch and a mirror to show him his beating heart during the changing of the bandages. This guy was really tough as despite all his suffering and impediments he had not lost his humor. We would usually joke around when I helped him dress and do his bandages. But there were also the other days when he started to cry because he was embarrassed that I had to hold his bad bed pan while he tried to relief himself leaning against me (due to his paralyzed legs he couldn’t easily sit).

And there were many of those awkward and intimate situations that but have the opportunity to form a special bond between the people. These were all chances to show compassion and dignity.

Eventually some of my patients died. It was cancer station nevertheless and for some diagnosis was final. The HR lady slightly understated the number of deaths in our initial interview. After one year of service I counted 52 deaths. That was much more than I originally expected. This was the first time in my life I saw dead people in real life. One usually doesn’t see this. Death is pretty much shielded from normal day life. But at the our station it was some sort of normality. This may sound harsh, but that’s what it was. And the special talent of the staff was to deal with it in a way they kept their own humanity, sensitivity but also sanity to ones alive. While at the same time accepting they they might be dead the next day.

Also this aspect of the job was surprising to me. Handling the dead bodies is certainly something out of the ordinary. But even that did not bother me at all. Not even the fact I might have taken care of the person just minutes ago. There was but one very emotional moment when a little English man who knew he might die soon realized that. He asked me in German with his englished accent “Werde ich sterben?”. That’s a question one usually isn’t prepared to answer. In that situation I couldn’t even imagine a proper answer. So I honestly said that I don’t know. But asked him what he believes would happen after deaths. He was a religious man. At least theoretically he knew that deaths is not a final end. So we talked a while about what he believes and hopes would happen when he dies. This conversation seemed to calm him down and put him a little at easy of what lies ahead. He eventually died that night.

The next day I asked the coroner whether I could attent his autopsy. I was curious how people look inside for real. It was amazing to see thing in real life that I’ve only seen in books before. Where all the organs are and the blood vessels and bones etc. Over the course of the year I attended 6 autopsies of my patients and learnt a lot about the human body first hand.

Overall I enjoyed the Zivildienst so much that I was actually considering doing this as a job. Rarely had I a job later that was so satisfying. The simple but direct impact to other people’s life and the difference one can make was astonishing to me. But I also learnt a lot about myself.

After I finished my year they had two more people trying to do their Zivildienst there. The first one had to be moved to a different position in the hospital as he couldn’t deal with special situation of people dying on regular basis. The second candidate had to abort and go into psychiatric care.

My utmost respect to all the people doing this job with dignity, professionality and love.