Admittedly last weeks review was a little late. Too late… To make up for that, I’m publishing this one on Sunday π
Last Sunday our weekly swimming was really just a small group as most of the people were busy otherwise. Water was at around 6ΒΊC. Didn’t try to cross the lake as there wasn’t enough time.
Started Monday with one hour of rowing in the office gym. Tuesday I made due with just half an hour of indoor cycling. That was the last day of the week I could properly exercise as on Tuesday morning I received my yearly flu vaccination from the company doctor and was advised to keep it low for the next few days to let the body build the antibodies against the flu.
Nevertheless couldn’t resist to have a long walk Wednesday evening to get at least some exercise and fresh air.
On this day the colleague brought his coffee equipment to the office. So we got to enjoy proper coffee and a show π
On Thursday I was tinkering around with the Flipper Zero and its new App Store. Found an App than can read and display the values of the most popular temperature sensors.
Unfortunately the App broke a little later when Flipper pushed out an updated firmware. I checked the repository of the app and tried to build the app myself fixing the things the build process was complaining about.
And after half a night of trial and error I got it running eventually and was able to build me the smallest weather station. I still had a DHT22 sensor which I consider quite bulky for my other projects. But it’s pin-out fits directly into the Flipper Zeros GPIO ports:
The thingy even had a cameo in one of my BeReals π
Friday it finally got more seriously cold. During the week we already had a low of -6ΒΊC on the countryside and even Berlin had around -2ΒΊC.
Friday Evening it even started to snow. Enough to cover the lawn with a thin blanket of snow.
Saturday evening we had our annual party of the “Leben in GroΓ DΓΆlln e.V.”. It was a lovely get-together again in a great venue. Everyone brought their favourite food to share and good wine. Lot’s of fun and inspiring conversations. Really good to see the village community still thriving and growing.