#weeklyreview 35/24

Last week of school holidays in Berlin/Brandenburg. Kids were enjoying the last days in the countryside before going back to Berlin.

Bread & butter

My uncle pointed me to the webshop of Bäckerei Philipps for really good sourdough bread. It reminded me of the “Sylter” from Jochen Gaues which one could order online a few years ago. So I gave it a try and it eventually arrived on Monday.

A pure delicacy. Soft and crunchy (if refreshed in the oven or slice by slice on the toaster) and so tasty. I think I lived off that big loaf the whole week as my only food supply.

That’s surely a luxury one can’t afford every week (unless the bakery is within walking distance). But if you like to get a really good sourdough bread, I can wholeheartedly recommend this one. It lasted they whole week just sitting on the counter in it’s plastic bag.

I had ordered the 360º LAIB natur and the 360º LAIB Groument Stange. I usually just used butter and salt. Sometimes our family honey, but nothing fancy. The bread is tasty enough to stay on its own.

Final Wood

Eventually finished the stacking of the remaining firewood from earlier this year. That should hopefully be enough wood working for a while. Next step will be restacking the piles into the shed once they have dried for a year or two.

Harvest Season

Our homegrown tomatoes are ripe and provide us with a wide variety. Different colors, shapes and flavors. I’m usually not into raw tomatoes, but I tasted these large red ones with mozarella, oil and vinegar and they are super tasty. Rather sweet and firm flesh.

My wife is getting random seeds from a lady from the internet. As one can’t officially sell seeds in Germany for the bloody agrar lobby, it works on a donation and exchange basis. The seeds are usually of old types and industrially optimized tomatoes. Such a luxury to be able to grow our own. It’s quite a bit of effort and if one runs the numbers probably not “economic”. But that math might be flawed given the environmental impact of industrial style food production etc.

Survival in Brandenburg

On Saturday evening a friend of ours and me attended a movie night in the LeuteHaus in Milow, north-west Uckermark. The german movie “Überleben in Brandenburg” by Zoltan Paul was on show and one of the actors attended and stayed for a little conversation after the movie.

I like the movie very much as is was comedy with some contemporary aspect to the current political battles in the east of germany. Many scenes and situations resonated with the audience. Also had some real good conversations about the movie, the making of it and life in Brandenburg in general with László I. Kish, one of the actors.

#weeklyreview 34/24

Was working from the countryside this week. Kiddo had a friend from school over for camping on our grounds for 3 days. That was fun. The weather was good and they went swimming several times a day.

On Wednesday we attended the opening concert of the “be:fes classic music festival

This festival takes place since more than 20 years on the grounds of the former soviet military airport in the Uckermark.

You can listen to the whole concert on the DLF Kultur Podcast

Friday we picked up the middle kid from his hiking trip to Norway in Hamburg. Took the chance to have a stroll around the Elbphilarmonie. It’s was a beautiful day with strong winds.

Finally finished the wood stacking of the last piles from this spring. That should last for some years now…

The tomatoe game is strong again this year