It’s still way too warm for late October I’d say. The lake still has about 12ยบC water temperature. We had a good swim on Sunday, although we were only two people of our group. Still both made it across the lake and back, which took us about 20 minutes.

Sunday morning I finally took another run with a friend in the village. I had signed up for the Berlin Half Marathon 2025 via the WWF charity program. One tries to collect donations for the WWF forest restoration project and once you reach at least the target of 300 EUR, you can get the ticket for the half-marathon.
So the shit gets real now ๐ I’d try to not only finish the half marathon, but also with a target time of under 2hrs. Finishing is not the problem. Did this several times before. But running fast is my issue ๐
Regardless whether I’ll get a ticket for the Berlin half marathon or not … I’ll run at least one half-marathon in April 2025. Thats my pledge.

Subscription tracking
Moellus found a nifty little open source tool to track your subscriptions and provide sing statistical insights. It’s called Wallos and can be easily self-hosted. Of course I set one up for myself. It provides stats about your regular spent, the top categories etc. It can also send you reminders when renewal or cancellation is due.

Container monitoring
Found a toot with an interesting graph on container workloads. The author pointed me to “Beszel” – an open source lightweight monitoring tool for container environments. Of course I needed to test this out and it was really easy to install.

WordPress + ActivityPub
Had to dig a little deeper into the ActivityPub Plugin for WordPress as my last posting triggered a discussion about ContentWarning for post.
It took me a while to figure out where exactly the CW would be set for a post. It’s actually on the “Post” Settings under “Fediverse”

I was also wondering why my replies from WordPress to comments that came in via the Fediverse did not show the user handle of the person I’m replying to. They are pinged via ActivityPub, it’s just not visible in the Web UI of Mastodon as a visible mention. It’s rather a meta data field that Mastodon UI just doesn’t display. The is an ongoing discussion on the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress to possibly handle this differently.
while cleaning her room, kiddo found a voucher for the cinema that was going to expire soon. So we picked a movie to watch. We settled on the latest “Beetlejuice” movie from Tim Burton. Just a week ago we had seen to original one on TV and the new one features actors kiddo likes from other Netflix shows (Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega).
The movie wasn’t that bad actually. At least mildly entertaining.
We went to the UCI Luxe Cinema at the Eastside gallery. That building is just a few years old. But it’s really kinda disgusting already. It’s trimmed for masses with self-serve automatons for beverages and tickets etc. The floor is quite dirty. Popcorn all over the place. The bathrooms, while visibly clean already start to break apart. Tiles fall off the walls and have cracks. Seals around the sinks do not fit anymore. Looks the building was done without quality control and no attention to detail. That’s a shame for a building that is just a few years old.

Preparing for Winter
On Saturday I cleaned up our tomatoes and harvested the last batch of fruits from the plants. Cleaned up all the pots, saved the soil on the raised beet for next years and stowed away the pots. Finally burned some old twigs and branches to have a clean slate for winter (there is more than enough foliage and heaps of branches in the forest behind our property. So no need to store that on our property for the wildlife.)
Our bees also enjoyed the warm and sunny day.