Over the weekend I was fighting with the NextCloud All-in-One Container setup. It’s supposed to make the setup easier and convenient, but in my case it didn’t really. I tried also the normal mere PHP Installer on a web server. But that setup requires me to maintain the Database and additional components like Redis cache and so on myself. I wanted to have all the needed stuff in Docker containers and behind my default Reverse Proxy Traefik. Usually one gets a docker-compose.yml file with all the services and thats it. NextCloud chose a different route and is using a setup container to pull and bring up all the application components. They don’t provide a docker-compose.yml with all these components unfortunately.
But eventually I’ve got the thing running and snug behind by Reverse Proxy which takes care of the SSL certificates.
I think a brought back a slight cold from the weekend. Went to bed with a stuffy nose and slight headache on Monday evening. Decided to stay home on Tuesday and figure oute whether thats a cold (or even COVID) or maybe just allergies. Took a COVID test which fortunately turned out negative. Went for a short run in the park to see whether my endurance is impacted. Doesn’t seem to be. So just added a few freshly made ginger shots. Felt much better on Wednesday already. Guess that was a short cold or something then.
On Wednesday I went out Stammtisching with two friends and learned a lot about Berlin night club scene. Maybe a bit too much …
Unfortunately the waiter at the venue showed his misogynist side and treated by female friend rather badly. She had him reported to the manager and filed a formal complaint against him. The guy was treating all women rather badly. Commanding them around and didn’t pay attention to them.
He even had the balls to approach us outside after the complaint and ask what he was doing wrong. Say that he didn’t do any misconduct. But in that only addressing me and my other male friend. Not even looking at the woman among us.
He’s got a passionate and enduring enemy now …

Thursday was about time to get our nails done again. So I brought my wonderful pouch to the office and we practiced our nail game.

That same night our notorious Beer & Burger crew finally met for another session and my dear friend Klappstulli gifted me a stunning new color of nail polish

Ray Cokes
This week I saw a post on Insta that the Berlin based radio station “radio eins” will host a new live show by Ray Cokes. Yes! The Ray Cokes who hosted MTV Most wanted in the early 1990s.
Why is that so remarkable for me? Because I learned English by watching MTV most of the time in the early 1990s. And especially Ray Cokes and Steve Blame shows on MTV. I opted out of English lessons in school (yes, that was possible at some point) as I felt I don’t learn much new from the teacher at that time.
We actually had a legendary good teacher at my later school (Gymnasium). But unfortunately he wasn’t my teacher and I had already opted out then.
To my regards these lessons actually worked out good enough to admit me to the higher level English course during my apprenticeship at SIEMENS NIXDORF. During the screening test for the courses I thought I’d make it only to the entrance level course as an Ossi. But turned out my English was already pretty good. I was just lacking speaking experience.
I thanked Ray Cokes for teaching me English back in the days and I’ll definitely going to listen to that radio show.
Alice & Bob
On Friday I attended a workshop and get-together of the Alice & Bob Company. That was founded by a friend and ex-colleague of mine a few years ago. They showed how they’re helping their clients to build a digital foundation for their businesses and help them keeping the complexity of that foundation in check. I’m always happy and proud seeing friends founding and running their own companies successfully.
Felling trees
On Saturday we feel a dead tree in our forest. The pine died from a strangling fungus infection a few years ago and was at risk of falling in the next storm. So we took it down. The fungus it was suffering from caused the trunk to saturate with natural resin at a certain height. This resin saturated wood can be used to kindle a fire. It was even used instead of candles before the 20th century.