
Toot Symbol

2024/02/23 00:40

Just saw "Treasure", a film by Julia von Heinz with Lena Dunham and @stephenfry

I really enjoyed that. Very well played and touching story.

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2024/02/22 09:51

Getting slightly obsessed with working out

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2024/02/22 07:39

Draußen riecht es nach zertretenen Regenwürmern

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2024/02/22 07:03

Ein Glas mit geschichtetem Espresso in Orangensaft und ein weißer Emaillebecher mit Milchschaum und Espresso auf einer hölzernen Oberfläche vor einer weißen Wand.
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2024/02/21 09:10

HPYBDY to the 1 & only @moellus

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2024/02/19 19:52

Printed this door hook to make use of the back of some doors Model:

Two shirts hanging on metal hangers from a black plastic hook affixed to a white door. The black plastic hook is 3D printed.
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2024/02/19 08:26

old german urban in Berlin

Ornate historical building with a pointed rooftop and graffiti on the ground floor, bike parked out front, overcast sky.
The building is probably from before WWII with a decorative facade and many decorative features.
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2024/02/18 08:05


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2024/02/17 11:17

now you know

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2024/02/15 18:30


A bowl of ramen with toppings and a pair of chopsticks.
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2024/02/15 11:01

Whee. Posting from Apple watch with stomp

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2024/02/14 17:18

Mastodon update to v4.2.6 finished

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2024/02/14 06:24

New York Cheese Cake FTW! One piece fuels you for the whole day 😉

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2024/02/13 11:44

Oh cool, eine neue Version des Calliope Mini ist da:

Das Ding ist für Kids zum spielen und spielerisch Lernen einfach super. Es hat schon jede Menge an Sensoren und Anschlüssen an Board und Kids können direkt loslegen. Der Preis von ca. 40 EUR ist da absolut gerechtfertigt. Noch dazu wird das Gerät in Deutschland entwickelt und hergestellt.

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2024/02/13 06:53

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2024/02/11 12:48

Wie jeden Sonntag Vormittag schon schwimmen gewesen. Die halbe Badegruppe hat aber verpennt gehabt. Also 13:00 Uhr noch eine zweite Runde 🤷

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2024/02/11 11:56

Close-up of a tree trunk with green moss and lichen.
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2024/02/11 09:49

If you are looking for a versatile and economical inkjet printer, I can recommend the Epson ET-2850
Ink seems to last forever, prints double sided, got a scanner.

An Epson ink tank printer on a desk with a sheet of paper on the scanner bed, next to decorative items including a framed picture of a character and a wooden figure.
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2024/02/10 18:23

I'm really tempted to buy a Psion 5 Mx Pro... 🫣

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2024/02/10 18:07

there is nothing to be seen here

View from inside a car driving on a highway in foggy weather conditions.
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2024/02/10 08:56

Heavy rain

Black and white image of a garden shed next to an open grassy area with a dense background of tall pine trees. There is a pile of firewood and the scenery is rather rainy
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2024/02/08 14:47

Whatched Studio Ghibli's latest feature film "The boy and the heron" yesterday. ★★★★☆ I'd say

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2024/02/06 11:31

Testing self-hosted (actually locally hosted) alternative Mastodon Web-Interface "Phanpy"

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2024/02/04 07:54

Awww sweet 🇺🇦👊

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2024/02/03 17:48


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2024/02/03 11:34

That's the level of quality you can expect in commercial social networks

Social media interface showing a post about '6 ultimate Japanese tactics for self-improvement', with a background image of a waterfall, annotated with the text 'The Pomodoro technique'.
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2024/02/02 17:13

HPYBDY allerbeste @kikoehn ! 1975 ist ja überhaupt der beste Jahrgang finde ich 🙂

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2024/02/02 07:11

HPYBDY Küken @denisroters !

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2024/02/01 18:27

Mastodon emergency update v4.2.5 done

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2024/02/01 10:03

@kranfahrer hätte jetzt transparentes PETG wenn Du noch etwas brauchst 😀

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2024/01/30 15:44

from Musk (a.k.a. Space Karen) is another of his scam businesses. He's inflating the value by thinking out loud what might be possible but they are lightyears away from delivering. The company is ignore many rules and standards to make progress at all cost. Media is reporting about them as it would be a "normal" company.

It is not. They are taking much more risk than other companies. The CEO is really a lunatic with a god complex and journalists are doing free advertisement for them. Stop that until they delivered something practical and legal.

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2024/01/30 14:45

Männershampoo 🍺

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2024/01/30 07:09

Wrap production for the kids

A tortilla with eggs, tomato slices, arugula, and shredded cheese on a cutting board, with a cheese grater and a piece of cheese in the background.
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2024/01/29 14:43

4 cups setting on the Moccamaster is one of these cups. I might regret this tonight

A cup of cappuccino on a saucer with a flip calendar showing January in the background. Vintage filter applied.
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2024/01/29 06:24

Old school

A coffee maker placed on a kitchen countertop, with a glass vase containing a plant next to it and other kitchen items in the background.
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2024/01/28 20:01

Es wird gemunkelt, es gäbe in den Tiefen des Fediverse einen coolen neuen Blog.

Hier veröffentlichten wir auf Englisch und Deutsch von Zeit zu Zeit unsere persönlichen Erfahrungen & Ideen für Nerd*innen und interessierte Menschen.


und für den Browser:

Toot Symbol

2024/01/27 14:04

Cream, don't you slop!

Two coffee mugs with illustrated portraits on them and text, sitting on a wooden surface with sunlight casting shadows.
Left illustration is Steve Jobs holding an Apple corpse. Text inside the mug seam is: all my jobs are better with coffee. 

Right side is Prince and the text on the seam is: Cream, don't you slop
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2024/01/27 08:38

Start the day right

Two coffee mugs with illustrated portraits on a checkered surface, with a cozy room in the background.
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2024/01/23 18:13

Deleting and reinstalling solved the issue 🤷

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2024/01/23 08:43

Great, Spotify is crashing every 30s. Not inconvenient at all.

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2024/01/23 06:56

You know the drill

A glass of orange espresso. The beverage is layered. The orange juice is at the lower two thirds and the espresso floating atop. The background is blurry and showing a kitchen table.
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2024/01/21 20:35

Ich durfte heute einen alten Freund aus der Landes- und Bundespolitik treffen der inzwischen im verdienten Ruhestand ist. Es geht ihm sichtlich gut und er ist immer noch agil und bei der Sache 🙂

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2024/01/21 20:31

Bin wirklich stolz auf alle die ihren Hintern hoch bekommen und zu den Demos gehen. Eine Sorge bleibt trotz allem: Die Regierenden werden sich denken "Läuft doch" und nichts an ihren Handeln und Kommunizieren ändern was die aufhalten könnte

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2024/01/20 21:23

"The Creator" 📺

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2024/01/19 22:40

🛌 😴

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2024/01/19 07:32

How do you keep track of your MicroSD-Cards? They are so tiny that you can barely label them. Not all of my cards can be directly read by my machine. So I can't easily tell from just mounting them. Any suggestions?

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2024/01/19 07:22

Wheee ... the fine folks from are also on <3 @OpenSCAD

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2024/01/19 07:06

New album from Gossip coming up 🎉🥰