
Toot Symbol

2024/10/03 16:31

Walk in the park

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2024/10/03 10:40

mix archive.install hex phx_new

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2024/10/03 10:19

brew install elixir

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2024/10/03 08:51

Oopsie, zu weit zurück gelaufen

A person wearing a gray beanie poses for a selfie during a morning run, with a large dinosaur statue visible in the background. The image displays running stats: 8.8 km distance, 6:18 per km pace.
Toot Symbol

2024/10/03 07:32

So, werd ich mal wieder joggen gehen, wa?

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2024/10/02 18:40

Tatortreiniger Folge mit dem Reimen. So großartig. Die ganze Serie ist Emmy-Material.

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2024/10/02 06:30

Man müsste mal was mit machen

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2024/10/01 22:14

@timpritlove hoffe Du bist gut nach Hause gekommen 😉

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2024/10/01 08:25

Upgraded the meeting room

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2024/10/01 05:47


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2024/09/30 19:00

You know what ... I'm running in the forest for the forest ...

I'm going to annoy you with this for next 90 days! Don't you dare hit that block button!

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2024/09/29 08:01

Allen Läuferinnen & Läufern beim Berlin-Marathon toi toi toi heute!

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2024/09/28 18:24

Wenn ihr wissen wollt, wie ihr euren Keller organisieren sollt

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2024/09/28 11:38

Es war mal ein Onkel, ganz munter,
Der wurde nun siebzig, na wunder!
Mit Witz und mit Charme,
Hält er's Alter im Zarm'.
Kein Jahr macht ihn müde, kein Plunder!

Toot Symbol

2024/09/25 05:29

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2024/09/23 19:31

Was ich mich ernsthaft frage: wie kann es sein, das nach relativ kurzer Zeit jeder Innenminister komplett frei dreht? Das ist doch bisher in jeder Regierung passiert. Egal welche Partei/Koalition an der Macht war.

Ist da was im Wasser in dem Gebäude? Gibt es ein geheimes Innenminister-Bootcamp welches die Leute umkrempelt?

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2024/09/23 18:13

Dit is Berlin. Wiederbegrünung der Stadt aber auf unkonventionelle arm-aber-sexy-Art 🤦‍♂️

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2024/09/23 10:04

I finally got @slamr back 🤗

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2024/09/23 08:07

der russische Kollege flucht vor sich hin ... bin leider zu sehr eingerostet zu verstehen was er meint ...

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2024/09/20 08:28

Does anyone use the latest "Magic Trackpad" from Apple? Does that have any mechanical functions apart from the power switch?

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2024/09/19 07:10

There is a user on who describes how to modify the model in for your specific phone:

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2024/09/19 05:51

Moinsen! Der erste Kaffee fängt so langsam an zu würken

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2024/09/18 17:35

Aaaand it's finally done. Print time 43hrs 28min using 131m of filament.


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2024/09/18 12:07

Just switching my setup from syncing to block storage syncing. Let's see how that works out ...

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2024/09/18 06:18



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2024/09/17 22:03

I knew the tree support will be trouble. But this should still finish fine.

72% done.

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2024/09/17 19:26

Es sollte einem Standard geben der Handy Lautsprecher automatisch deaktiviert wenn die Handy-Dichte 1 device/qm übersteigt.
Es gibt einfach zu viele Assis die in der Öffentlichkeit genau 0 Rücksicht auf andere Menschen nehmen.

Toot Symbol

2024/09/17 19:04

Unbeschadet überstanden 🥳

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2024/09/17 17:19

Auf zum Elternabend... wünscht mir Glück das ich keinen Posten abbekomme

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2024/09/17 17:16

Hier @nocci darüber haben wir vorhin gesprochen:

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2024/09/17 16:17

Poserphone tagsüber wieder komplett mit Kernfusionsenergie aufgeladen. Geil

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2024/09/17 15:31

Wie Scheiße kann Schulverwaltung sein? Berlin so: Ja!

Etliche Schulen bekommen aktuell kein warmes oder gar kein Mittagessen, weil der Caterer der die Auschreibung gewonnen hat gar nicht in den gewünschten Dimensionen liefern kann. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Das ist nicht einfach nur Nachlässigkeit sondern grenzt schon an Körperverletzung ...

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2024/09/17 14:53

About 46% done. Yes there is some artifacts from traveling. But that shouldn’t be a problem.

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2024/09/17 09:15

The Pistenraupe is back on the tracks

A map showing a running route taken in Volkspark Friedrichshain, with a distance of 6.2 km, average pace of 6:18 per kilometer, and a total time of 39 minutes and 4 seconds. The route is marked in blue/yellow to show support for the Ukraine
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2024/09/17 06:50

so far so good ... I hope the tree support sticks to the bed 🙈

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2024/09/17 06:13

What I do like for a change is the choice to use the dark App icons by default. Now the update looks fresh 🙂

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2024/09/17 06:04

Oh wow, tinted App icons in . That's for people who don't use their phones on a regular basis but just want to show their individualisms on devices with millions of identical copies.

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2024/09/17 05:21

Is the integration still working in @IceCubesApp ? I'm getting error on my account. But there was also an Auto-Update of the ActivityPublic 🧐 /cc @pfefferle

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2024/09/16 22:08

If you have an iPhone with multiple SIM cards you might want to check which one is the default for data and voice calls. Mine were swapped after the update.

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2024/09/16 19:58

Photos sync paused. iPhone needs to cool down. Srsly?

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2024/09/16 15:41

wat is denn nu mit ?

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2024/09/16 14:39

shice... ich bin süchtig nach diesen SwitchBot sensoren ... gerade mal "spasseshalber" ein Meter Plus bestellt

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2024/09/16 12:58

debugging the bloody heating system in the flat. Had the suspicion that the heat was permanently on in one room. Hard to tell in summer. But now I'm definitely sure. Found it to be very likely a half broken valve.

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2024/09/16 11:16

we have outsourced the operations of a former internal app. Now we need access logs for the app. The colleague opens a ticket with outsourcing provider asking for those logs. After a bit of ticket ping pong the outsourcing provider says it's not possible. The colleague accepts the answer. Case closed after a few days.

I'm not accepting that answer and approach the outsourcing partner again. Knowing the technical infrastructure insisting that it's technically possible to activate such logs. Now it's just a question of cost. Which is a whole different discussion.

Why do people just accept such bullshit from technical providers? The colleague is a senior staff member as well and should know the technical capabilities. He's but just accepting answers given by either incompetent or unwilling service providers.

My theory is different cultural background. But maybe there's more to this.

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2024/09/16 10:33

brute forcing my way through corporate outsourcing bureaucracy.

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2024/09/16 09:56

Haha... this is potentially huge: Chinese scientists seem to have managed to identify "cloaked" flying objects be means of measuring StarLink satellite signal disturbance by said objects. (German article) original posting

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2024/09/16 07:08

mmh, weird. I added the account again using the downloaded macOS/iOS Profile file. This seemed to make a difference. After copying the contacts into this account the cards show up in the web interface 🤷‍♂️

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2024/09/16 06:53

Was für'n geiles Herbstwetter draussen. Dunkelgrau und Regen 🙂

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2024/09/16 06:38

I've added my as server to my macOS contacts app. Copied all my contact cards into the new account and expected them to show up in NextCloud Web interface. But they don't. Anyone got an idea how I'd trigger syncing from to the server?

Toot Symbol

2024/09/15 19:08

Crazy rainbow tonight

A vibrant rainbow arcs across a colorful sky at sunset, with trees and buildings in the foreground. A street lined with parked cars is visible below.